Arriel TV is an Electronic Dance Music Virtual Event and Collective hosted by Arriel (Sammy Ryan K.)
The shows are held on twitch, YouTube, and IG featuring DJ mixes, artist interviews, news, gaming, and more. Catch the shows happening the first Saturday of the month.
Arriel TV started as a monthly podcast under a different pseudonym and quickly evolved into a weekly virtual concert showcasing underground talent from Los Angeles CA., Orange County CA., and more. This effort was assisted by Kanu (Justin Ruiz), and Orakol (Mark Lopez) who helped with bookings and graphic design which ultimately laid the groundwork for what is now known as Arriel TV.
Cementing itself within the underground electronic dance music scene, Arriel TV gained support from heavy hitters such as Deathcamp Events, Bass Spectrum LA., Be Happy Records, and Uncommon Being to name a few. With a roster of well over forty artists who've performed on the show, the Arriel TV Livestreams are something to keep your eye on.